Monday, September 17, 2012

Skinny Jean Challenge - FAQ with Taylor Jarvis, Certified Personal Trainer

Taylor Jarvis, owner of B-Town Bootcamp and creator of the Skinny Jean Challenge as been running the program for the past 3 years. 

With over 230 Skinny Jean Participants, $20,000 in cash prizes handed out, and a TOTAL of 3,000lbs of fat lost, the Skinny Jean Challenge is always to most anticipated event at DT&R of the year!

With the launch today, we have received multiple calls, emails, and inquires about the program. We decided to bring Taylor Jarvis on our blog to answer some of the questions in regards to the Skinny Jean Challenge:

FAQ # 1 - How Do You Measure Results?

We measure yours results 4 times, once at the beginning of the challenge, twice during, and the final measurement at the end of the  final week. 

We take body fat % using calliper method, weight, and inches lost. We add these numbers up, then divide by 3. 

FAQ #2 - How Do I Know My Results?

After every weight-in we release a leader board with everyone final numbers. All of our contestants receive a PIN, and the numbers are posted according to the pin, so no one will know your name/result

FAQ #3 - Can I do my own workout regime?

Yes. You can workout anyway you would like. With the program, you do get workouts to follow everyday, but they don't have to be completed

FAQ # 4 - Guys always lose weight faster, this sounds unfair towards females.

The Skinny Jean Challenge is a female only challenge. Males have there own category and compete against themselves. 

FAQ #5 - The 6 Weeks Falls On Thanksgiving, Can The Challenged Be Pushed Back?

Every year our challenges fall on holidays or special events. Everyone has the same advantage and same time. 

Good Luck With The Challenge Everyone!

Taylor Jarvis, Certified Personal Trainer

If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact our team at or 905-637-4934

Monday, August 27, 2012

Should I Apply Ice Or Heat To My Injury?

One of the most common sports-medicine questions we receive at DT&R is whether to chill out orwarm up an injury. Both heat and ice can boost healing by manipulating blood flow. Ice restricts blood flow, which reduces inflammation and pain.Heat increases circulation, which boosts the supply of oxygen to the site, accelerating the removal of waste products. 

The trick is knowing when to use each.      

Both heat and ice both shock the body into breaking the pain-spasm cycle. Heat causes the body to circulate more blood to the area in order to cool it down. That brings more oxygen and nutrients, and removes waste products, which help heal the tissue. Cold is similar-the body sends more blood to the area to warm it up and promote healing.

So Which Is Best?

If both heat and ice do the same thing, which is better to treat your pain? There are really no hard and fast rules, but I typically have our patients at Dynamic do the following:

1. When an injury first occurs, use ice first. This is true whether the injury is acute (caused by some trauma like lifting something heavy or sitting too long) or subacute (a flare-up of a chronic condition, like sciatica). It's also important to use ice fast. You need to get ice to the injury within 5 minutes to get the best effect. If you're not at home and don't have ice handy, head to the 7-11 and buy a bag of ice. Begin treatment immediately. Apply ice for the first 48-72 hours. Use it for 20 minutes, then take it off for 20. Repeat as often as you can.

2. After 48-72 hours, when you feel the swelling has gown down and the pain-spasm cycle is broken, you can begin stretching the injured muscle with the appropriate exercises. At this point, choosing ice or heat is really up to you. Most people like heat before they exercise and ice after. Either way, you're getting red blood cells to the area to promote healthy healing.

3. For a really advanced treatment plan, I recommend a contrast bath. Try 20 minutes of heat followed immediately by 20 minutes of ice. Repeat three times. The contrast really shocks the body and gets it out of the pain-spasm cycle.

How To Make Your Own Ice Bag:

All you need is a ziplock freezer bag, rubbing alcohol and water.


  1. Take a ziplock freezer bag, and add 1 1/2 cups of water to 1/2 cup of rubbing alcohol.
  2. Seal up the bag.
  3. Put the bag in the freezer.
Thanks to the rubbing alcohol, the water won't freeze hard, so you'll be able to mold the bag onto your noggin or other miscellaneous body part  next time you take a spill.
And, incidentally, you can buy a bottle of rubbing alcohol at the dollar store for $1.

Have children? Try adding food colouring or sparkles into the mix!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Dynamic Physio Clinic Is Taking On New Physiotherapy Patients in Burlington, Ontario!

Dynamic Physio Clinic is Burlington's premier Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Clinic. Located in downtown Burlington, The Dynamic Physio Clinic features Registered Physiotherapist, Athletic Therapist, Registered Massage Therapist, and Personal Trainers to meet all of your health and rehabilitation needs. 

To book an appointment: 905-637-4934

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Is Joint Pain Slowing You Down?

From Your Therapist at Dynamic Training & Rehabilitation

Many conditions, such as osteoarthritis, rheumatism, or other injuries, can lead to joint pains.  Joint pains can affect any part of the body from shoulders to ankles.  It can be a knee, shoulder or hip pain.  This is common, especially for aging people.  It may occur frequently or just for a moment, and it can last for a long time. No matter what, you should not let joint pains stop you from doing what you love most.
If you are one of those joint pain sufferers, doing short sport activity will never be easy. It will definitely stop you from achieving your goal to become fit and sociable.  Maybe even engaging yourself to a short distance walk is not possible and there will be days when you can’t just do anything and miss almost every single event in your family occasion.

What Are Joint Pains To You?

Joint pain is characterized by soreness that arises from any joint – the area where two or more bones meet. Joint pain is at times called arthritis or arthralgia. Pain can start from being mild, and is felt only each time you move. But joint pain can be severe, too. It will be almost impossible to mobilize and do simple activity.
Joint pains may indicate that you should be paying more attention to your body. A doctor will first try to diagnose and treat the condition that is causing the joint pain. The goal is to maintain joint function and reduce pain and inflammation. 

Overcoming Joint Pains

Nowadays, joint pains can easily be prevented by exercise such as stretching or low-impact exercises. Exercising is not only good for one’s health, but it also helps to reduce or maintain your ideal weight. Walking is the easiest exercise. No equipment or materials are needed for this type of exercise.  Parking a bit further from a building’s entrance is a good way to get some exercise. Using the stairs instead of an elevator is another.  Exercise not only improves flexibility of joints, but it also helps you to lose weight to reduce pressure in the joints that carry your body, preventing joint pains. 

How To Manage Joint Pain?

In some mild cases, joint pain can be managed at home with some simple home remedies or sometime relieved by using topical ointments available in the market. But in some cases, sufferers see this as an emergency – especially when the pain is severe and causing the decrease of the quality of one’s daily living condition.

Four important things to remember when suffering from severe joint pain:

Never self-prescribe medicine – Actually, there are some people that take pain relievers as Mefenamic drugs to reduce the pain at the onset of the pain. They take it every time they feel pain and it is becoming a habit for them already.
Never try to do a workout exercise. -  This will worsen your condition. The more you stress the area, the pain will become more severe and the condition may worsen. Get some relaxation instead of adding pressure to the area.
Consult your physical therapist – If you feel that the pain attack is becoming more frequent, you must visit your doctor to assess or evaluate pain. There could be an underlying medical condition that needs to be addressed first to better manage your condition.
Follow your therapist’s advice – Some sufferers would tend to forget their regimen after they feel some comfort in the area and some would tend to “over-do” the instruction. Follow the advice properly.

Another way to help decrease joint pains is stretching.  Before stretching, make sure to consult a physical therapist to learn about the best stretches to use.  Ask for special stretches for areas where joint pains usually occur. It is always advisable to stretch before and after working out.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Don't Let Pain At Work Slow You Down!

Headaches, along with neck, low back  and shoulder pain are some of the most common physical complaints in an office setting.

According to recent studies, 63% of all office workers will experience some form of neck and shoulder pain along with associated headaches. Contributing factors include poorly designed workstations, poor posture, and poor body mechanics related to work tasks.
A number of factors can contribute to back pain at work. For example:
  • Force. Exerting too much force on your back - such as by lifting or moving heavy objects - can cause injury.
  • Repetition. Repeating certain movements can lead to muscle fatigue or injury, particularly if you're stretching to the limit of your range of motion or using awkward body positioning.
  • Posture. Slouching exaggerates your back's natural curves, which can lead to muscle fatigue and injury.
  • Stress. Pressure at work can increase your stress level and lead to muscle tension and tightness, which can contribute to or worsen back pain.
Pain can plague your workdays and free time. You're not stuck with it, though. Take time to examine your work environment and address situations that might aggravate your back. Even simple steps to ease pain are steps in the right direction. Follow our guide below and become pain free today.  
In pain today? Our health care staff consist of Registered Massage Therapist, Osteopath's, Acupuncturist that are ready to help you become pain free and gain a Dynamic lifestyle. 

In Pain At The Office? - Try These 10 Things!

When working at a desk, try these suggestions for greater comfort:

1- Choose a desk that is the proper height. All things on your desk should be within easy reach.
2- Keep your body straight with the head and neck upright and looking forward, not to the side. Do not hunch over or slouch.

3 - Adjust the height of your monitor. Look forward with your head in a neutral position. Your eyes should be at the same height as the top of the monitor. Leaning your head forward can lead to headaches and neck pain.

4- When typing, keep your wrists straight, your shoulders perpendicular to the floor, and your forearms parallel to the floor.

5- When reading at your desk, use a bookstand or a paper holder to keep your eyes in the same neutral position you use to read documents on your computer monitor.

6- When talking on the phone, use a headset, when possible, especially if you talk on the phone for prolonged periods. Holding the phone between your shoulder and cheek will only lead to neck pain and headaches.

7- Stand up and stretch your legs with a short walk about every 20 to 30 minutes.

8- Take micro-breaks often, stretching your neck, arms and wrists, back, and legs. Simple stretches include neck rotations, fist clenches, arm dangles, and shoulder shrugs.

9- If your eyes concentrate on a particular object for long periods, relax your eye muscles by shifting your focus from objects that are close to you to objects that are farther away. This helps reduce eye strain.

10 - Visit A Massage Therapist or Osteopath every 4 -6 weeks. This will help prevent any soft tissue or joint pain, keep your body realigned, and keep your stress level to a minimal.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Introducing: Spring Rejuvenation Package

Regardless of what may be going on in your world right now, you should know that rejuvenating your body is not only a luxury but, rather, your right. Because we all deserve to wake up feeling like all is right with the world, and leap out of bed with a bounce to our step, our true purpose exploding out of every pore.

And for most of us, especially those who have weathered a cold, long winter full of drab days and freezing wind chills, this couldn’t come at a better time.

As the sun slowly begins to stay out longer and longer, and the first signs of life begin to push their way out of the ground, you can draw from this energy to renew your inner being and warm your sense of well-being that may have gone cold.

A rejuvenated body simply feels SO good, and a fresh start can help you achieve your health and fitness goals. With spring now nearly upon us, it is one of the best times of the year to get your body invigorated, and here is how Dynamic Training & Rehabilitation can help you.

In the past years we have started a Dynamic Rejuvenating Package that was released to a few clients that ask for a special "jump start" or "re-do" for spring. 

This year, we are opening this up to everyone. 

What You Get:

- 45 Minute Massage Therapy Treatment
- 30 Minute Rejuvenating Acupuncture Treatment
- 4 Week Cleansing Nutrition Plan and Assessment
- 2 Body Composition and Customized Support

Value: $350

Your Price: $87

Reserve Your Spot Here ->

Monday, February 20, 2012

Massage Therapy And Young Athletes, A Must At Any Age!

Massage Therapy is often thought to be a treatment base for adults that are over stressed, over whelmed, and need a break. 

A few months ago, we posted an article on the Dynamic Training & Rehabilitation (Burlington, Ontario) based on the top 35 reasons why you should get a massage. The goal of the article was to create awareness and education to the population that thought massage was just for the rich and famous. 

If you missed the article, you can read it here: 

In today's post, we wanted to educate that Massage Therapy  is a must for any young athlete to prevent injuries and perform at a top level. 

 Massage helps break down the tightening tissue, allowing not only for appropriate tissue length, but also tissue nutrition (good stuff in, bad stuff out). Foam rollers and tennis ball work are a great alternative to massage as well.

An aspect of massage therapy is aiding the body’s natural ability to recover. Therapy assists the recovery process increasing blood flow to muscles that have been damaged during physical activity. It is actually through the recovery process that athletes gain their strength as the protein in the blood helps rebuild the muscles. Massage therapy can also help with pinched nerves, ensuring there are no restrictions on blood circulation. Instances in which a tight muscle affects the nerves can be debilitating.

Teenagers and young adults are less likely to seek regular massage-therapy sessions, possibly because of lack of funding, minimal education on the subject, or transportation to this type activity. Deep-tissue massage should only be applied by an individual deemed competent. One way to ensure that the hands that you are in are capable is to get a referral from your doctor.

Young athletes are a unique group. Their bodies are constantly growing and changing. Bones grow and muscles are forced to adapt to this growth. Muscle and fascia is forced to elongate to accommodate the longer bones. As we learned above, muscles go into a protective mode. The fascia tightens to protect the muscle. When a youngster in this phase of growth is involved in sports, they are constantly contracting and relaxing these muscles. If the muscle can’t shorten and lengthen effectively, there is an increased amount of tension put on the area where the muscle attaches to the bone, called the tendon. This causes swelling and pain at that attachment. This is most common with youngsters at areas like the knees and heels. Pain can decrease with ice and ibuprofen, but properly addressing tissue quality, proper movement patterns, and stretching can help prevent and lessen these symptoms. Here are specific recommendations for flexibility with young athletes:
  • - Learn how to use foam rollers and tennis balls as massage tools. Use them before and after sports practice, or any other time. These techniques should be used before standard stretching.
  • - Get massage or bodywork a minimum of every 6 weeks.
  • - Eat well, stay hydrated, and get plenty of sleep.

Tips For Seeking A Massage Therapist For Your Young Athlete:

- Make sure they are Registered and Certified 
- Must have a history of working with young athletes in the same sport
- Work with other health care providers such as Chiropractic, Osteopathy, Acupuncture, and Sports Injury

The Massage Therapist at Dynamic Training & Rehabilitation are Registered with the CMTO and work with athletes on a daily basis ranging from professional, olympic, recreational and youth!

Call us today at 905-637-4934 to get your young athlete on the track to proper health!